Morning all:

Oh my, the java is a tad strong. Maybe I should test if a spoon will stand straight up in the center of the mug. This week I discovered that, age-wise, I am at the trailing end of the WWII generation and at the front edge of the baby boomers. This was all part of a study on Mega trends that I listened to. What all of this means for both governments and business is huge. It will govern how funds are allocated, what services need to be provided, and for business what products built and sold, and how they should be advertised, especially if you add the dynamics of the subsequent generations into the mix; Gen X¹, Gen X², Gen Y, and for Derek and Marin Gen Z. The major point I remember from the talk is that I am a member of the generation who collects “kitch” (otherwise known as stuff that collects dust). Although I don’t like this label given to my generation (it is accurate though), I prefer it over the one future generations will hang on the Gen Y group; the generation who wore their pants around their knees.

Last Sunday was spectacular; we had dinner on the deck and sat around talking until well into the evening. Next day the rains came. The rains were like the houseguest who doesn’t know when to leave. So finally I left. It was one of those days where I was up at 4:30 to make the early flight. Transferring in Detroit, with not too much time between flights I was hustling between the commuter concourse and concourse A when a small voice said questioningly “Mr. Pastoor?” Here, on the Anniversary Day of Vince and Kirstin’s wedding four years ago, against a wall, sat Susannah, one of her bridesmaids. Small world isn’t it! Turns out she had taken a “red eye” from her home in Las Vegas and the connection was delayed. I took the time to surprise Kirstin by calling from my cell and letting Susannah start the conversation – it’s great how you can fool people who live by caller I.D.

Pieter shared a link to a web-log his nephew Kelly started to keep people updated on his experiences in the Peace Corps. He left for Honduras a couple of months ago. Adrianne, being on pins-and-needles waiting for word from the Peace Corps on the where and when for her start also read his adventures. I think it shattered her romantic vision of what it means being asked to live in a remote village in a Third World country. Now she is both on pins-and-needles as well as substantially more nervous; as she says; “but if I don’t take risks – than life would be very dull.”

Talking about web logs, I keep forgetting to ask you to check out my “Week’s Best” button near the bottom of this page. It will lead you to a photo log kept by Jarrod. Jarrod and his wife worked with Kirstin at Walt Disney World and his guard unit was rotated into Iraq. He has something to do with photography or videography, in any case he posts a collection of photographs not found in the common press; have a look.

Very soon now I’ll start writing about the ‘life cycle of the Cicada’ and its impact on us in our little home on Red Bud. So, next week, y’all come back, ya hear!

Have a great week.



PS. Remember that for some tomorrow starts Daylight Savings time – set your clocks ahead!

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