Morning all:

Dogs really are creatures of habit, aren’t they? This morning I slept in a bit before finally finding my way downstairs to put on the coffee. Finally, wandering back upstairs I had just finished my finger stretching exercises to key in my morning post when Shang appeared. The way he did the “head butting” and the “big eye” stare bit it became obvious that we had not performed our morning ritual; the morning paper retrieval. Things were not well until this “happy time” ritual was complete. Wait a minute; what have I been doing all this time to establish his habit?

I believe that you should pause reading this for a moment, assuming you are reading it on Saturday, January 8, and quietly stand outside for an instant or two. In your quiet moment see if you can hear the collective humming of a myriad of Elvis songs as half of America celebrates what would have been his 70th.

Speaking of Elvis. This week brother Art and nephew Connor made a very quick stop in Cincinnati while on their father-son cross country drive to bring home what will be Connor’s first car. I later discovered that the very next day, in Memphis, they too stood in a long line, along with hundreds of black socks and sandal clad, boney kneed tourists, waiting to pay their homage at Graceland. I wonder what Connor really thought?

Well, the two weeks of rainy weather after the snow melt are finally paying off. The mighty, and very brown, Ohio river is full. Here the flood stage is just over 52 feet, by Monday it should crest at about 58 feet. Already low lying roads are shut and in homes along stretches of the river people have moved belonging to the second floor. Kentucky which is even more susceptible to flooding is putting the flood gates into place along their dikes. And more rain is forecast. What Marcia and I can’t figure out is why in every disaster picture of a flooded home we see a perfectly good looking, nearly submerged, car sitting in the drive. Hello people! That is why these things have wheels!

The Holiday races are finally over. The promises and resolutions made have already been broken. The result of too many feasts is still lingering. And yes, this year we once again lost the race for the placing and lighting of the outdoor lights. Most of all, shame of shames, we also lost the dismantling of the lights. I took it all in stride, Marcia just mutters.

Have a great week,



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