Happy New Year all:

My mug of java is raised as a salute to a great beginning for the New Year. First, thankfully we got to talk with Adrianne who made it back safe and sound from scurrying about various islands in the South Pacific in a small kayak. Secondly, the first news I heard upon waking up was that of a crying baby. It was the cry of the first baby born in 2005 in the most devastated area of Sri Lanka. To me it symbolized new life and new beginnings. In that spirit, may peace, health, family, and friends surround and be part of you this coming year.

Last week, in a wrap-up for 2004, ABC named “The Blogger” as one of their outstanding people for 2004. And it is true; anymore my news comes from the internet, oftentimes hours or sometimes days ahead of the main news sources. For example, to get instant updates, first hand reports, photos, and video from the Tsunami just log on to: technorati and enter a key word, or kinja. New directions, innovations oftentimes can be first seen at: boing-boing. We all have our favorite sites, each have enabled the world to shrink and connect a bit more.

Since I mentioned the devastation of last week, and should you want to help with the aid efforts currently underway, here is a wonderful site that allows you to properly select the relief agency of your choice: Charity Navigator.

Already mentioned is the fact that last night we talked with Adrianne. She had the time of her life and now we’re waiting for her to describe in her own words her experiences. She did say that there were a few moments where she mumbled to herself; “what did I get into”, as weather turned a bit and the winds picked up. Also, it was a bit different for us to be talking with her an hour before our New Year when she was just finishing up an afternoon nap on her New Year’s day. We’ve already exchanged New Years greetings with the Briones gang and now Marcia and I are starting to look forward to our visit with them. Then tomorrow it’s enjoying dinner with Jason, Cathy, and Marin. So, about the only thing left to say is:

Happy Birthday Marcia, here’s to you!

Have a great week and a joyous New Year.


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