Morning all:

Quote Of The Week:

“God bless us, every one!” Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol)

My morning coffee is nearly cold. This is because I have been struggling to connect and FTP with my hosting service which took this weekend to transfer my account to a new server.

Merry Christmas everyone!

For the first time in many years our whole family was able to spend several days together. We’ve had the best time – and this will continue for a couple of more days.

For me it also means that being with 4 under 4 grandkids is absolutely wonderful and amazingly time consuming, super busy, and something not to be missed.

Our first day at Kirstin & Vince’s were spent by criss-crossing Walt Disney World for fourteen hours straight. I realized that my shoulders were only designed to carry a wiggling little body for maximum two hours.


Starting right now I am taking the rest of the week off and will continue my vacation.

Have a super week and I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Make it a great week. Remember, as Larry the Cable Guy so succinctly states; “Christianity is the only religion which celebrates three major holidays – Christmas, Easter, and the Daytona 500.” Our Christmas, celebrated in Daytona’s back-yard, means we’re covering two out of three.



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