Morning all:

Quote Of The Week:

“The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” Ronald Reagan

Being the early part of the New Year also means that end-of-year taxing information is beginning to creep in the front door. This year is a bit special since the various State Primaries are in full swing. Candidates, like parrots on perches in a room setting each other off, have all started to squawk in unison; “CHANGE! CHANGE!” When I look at the details of what will be taken, tax-wise, versus what was taken only a handful of years ago the refrain this bunch should be screeching is; “MORE! MORE!” That reminds me, I need to get up and get some ‘more’ morning coffee.

I guess that this is the season to be cynical. Especially since most of these parrots are positioning themselves as “outsiders”. The fact is that it’s been at least a hundred years since a “Joe average” actually could gain the momentum to run—these characters are all extremely well connected insiders who owe a lot of special interest folk an awful lot. It’s us, the “Joe averages”, who can feel lucky if the scraps they leave behind are somewhat decent.

In our own county politics last week the Republican Party and the Democratic Party got together and agreed not to run an opposing candidate to their currently seated incumbent County Commissioners in consideration for some other ‘bones’. The backroom deals in smoke filled rooms are alive and well—locally and nationally. As one editorial writer wrote; “Oh those pesky voters.”

Let the primaries roll on!

On a more upbeat note, this week I got my Driver’s License renewed. The happy part is that I am actually quite pleased with my photograph—Nick Nolte & Rip Torn eat your hearts out, your mug shots are pitiful compared to mine. And, for those of you who are concerned about these matters, yes, I did check the Organ Donor box.

I got a couple of great gifts this Christmas. From the kids it’s a super 4-burner barbeque grill, complete with a side-burner. Due to the weather I assembled the unit in the family room. At first I thought I’d have to break it apart to get it onto the deck, but that proved to be incorrect. Now, I realize that it’s just that I haven’t got the heart to stick it outside into the winter elements. Marcia is not thrilled with a 6-foot grill in the middle of the family room. I figured it was the glare of the stainless steel that bothered her. Now it still sits in the room, but I bought a cover for it.

As an incentive to get it outside, I will gladly go mad grilling for anyone who stops by. This unit can act as a smoker and is great for anything from veggies to steak. Can you envision (i.e. smell) a large pot of spicy Cajun gumbo on the side burner? If you stop by, will you give me a day or so to get it outside? Marcia will hug you.

The other gift is Marcia’s gift to me (which – only to assist her mind you – I suggested and bought) is a car GPS. The technology of these GPS units is amazing. Aside from the fact that it will guide you to your destination in 3-D, it has millions of points of interest; restaurants, gas stations, banks, parks, etc. even with their telephone numbers.

This week an email from Adrianne did give me pause for thought and created a small sobering moment. It would appear that someone was hell-bent in following his GPS’s instructions, down to turning onto a commuter train track. Interviewed after the crash he had no explanation other than his GPS.

My nephew Joel also has an interesting GPS story, ask him sometime. In his case he only missed dinner.

Since we have a very wide river running in front of our city I realize I should not just blindly “go where no car has gone before”, should my GPS unit suggest a quick turn into the muddy waters.

Make it a great week. For those of us stuck in the grey and cloudy days of winter, remember it was Picasso who, in his mind, could take a yellow spot and through his insight and intelligence transform such a yellow spot into the sun. Keep the sunshine in your mind and heart, and stay bright.



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