This entry was posted on Saturday, April 25th, 2009 at 8:12 am and is filed under Family & Friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Good morning all:
“think a future flight should include a poet, a priest and a philosopher . . . we might get a much better idea of what we saw.” — Michael Collins, Pilot, Apollo 11, 9 November 1969
Greetings from our ‘double-wide’, where currently every nook and cranny is quickly filling with the glorious smells of my morning coffee.
I have previously written about Marcia and I being dinosaurs when it comes to television. In fact, early in February I purchased a converter box to propel (or was it ‘shove’) us into the digital age. Our television, a 1986 – then top of the line – 27” Sony Trinitron, that had sunk to a new and barely operational low. It now displayed anything we wanted to see – in green and orange only. The converter box was like magic. Not only more stations, but magically the color had returned. Using the word “glorious” to describe our February and March viewing experience is a bit of a stretch. But, it sure was nice.
Now fast forward to April. I came home one evening and Marcia is watching her shows in an array of soft pastels, plus a slight bit of soft foggy overlay. I thought it to be an April Fools joke perpetrated by our local stations to broadcast in an Easter color mix as a prelude to the event itself. After the Easter weekend it dawned on us that, no, it was in fact our television. This I proved conclusively after peeking in several neighbor’s windows.
Last Sunday Adrianne and Tevita came up the walk. Little Vaioleti was in her carrier, Tevita had an umbrella and a big box which I assumed to be the ‘pack-n-play for Vai. About the time I noticed that the box was not the assumed ‘pack-n-play’ a broadly smiling Adrianne burst out with a loud “Happy Mothers Day, Happy Fathers Day.” I was looking at our gift, a brand new flat screen television; what a wonderful surprise from them.
I believe that you really know just how special such a moment is when you find yourself speechless. I was totally quiet. Tevita started setting up our new television. Adrianne just grinned, Vai wanted out of her seat. Later, when Marcia came home, she at first didn’t notice.
Sitting in the family room is an old, very heavy, 40” by 21” 1986 Sony television. Monday I’ll drive it to the recycling center.
The weather has turned summerlike. It also meant that now there is some urgency to get things done in preparation for time at the cabin. The Folbot folding kayak has been restored. It should now be watertight and ready for use. This week the wooden ribs and seats were sanded and a fresh coat of marine polyurethane was applied. All good stuff.
A friend has agreed to let me use one of his trailers to transport our ATV up north. He owns a funeral vault business and this is one of his used trailers. Marcia and I both assume that before we pick up the trailer his people will have removed the on-board crane contraption used to lift concrete casket vaults. If not, I’ll be okay, Marcia will be embarrassed and mortified, and border control when entering Canada will, at minimum, be quizzical.
Every so often I have written a bit about my volunteer involvement with Citizens on Patrol. Yesterday a local radio talk radio station interviewed Cincinnati’s Chief of Police, the Sergeant who is our liaison, and three volunteers from the other side of town. If interested to see (hear) what our group gets involved with and possibly to explore setting up something similar in your own community, click here to a podcast link and listen to the interview.
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, Adrianne, Tevita, Vaioleti-in-stroller, Marcia and I will walk on behalf of the March for Babies (formerly the March of Dimes). The weather should be perfect and the walk itself will criss-cross the Ohio River into Kentucky and back via the “Purple People” pedestrian bridge. I believe we’ll have a great time. More importantly, looking at Vaioleti starting life at 26 weeks and 1 pound-14 ounces last August, and now a healthy 14 pounder means that this event has special meaning to our group. Our team is still open to financial support and donations can be made by clicking here.
Make it a great week everyone. To Jason who celebrated his birthday this week, may the joy of the day be with you the whole year.
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