Good morning all:

Weekly Wisdom:

“Buffet; A French word that means “get up and get it yourself.” — unknown

With hordes roaming our house these past few days Marcia created the “get it yourself” methodology for everything, food, clothing, bath soap, TP, cleaning supplies, galoshes, you name it. It also meant that I knew better than to ask her to make the coffee this am. Actually she did on Friday morning and it tasted as good as my brew this morning.

Thanksgiving in the rain – The ‘Nati made up one half of its 9 inch rainfall deficit for 2010 over Thanksgiving. Luckily all the grocery shopping was done and no one had any plans to join the imbecilic folk readying to trample each others at the wee hour start of the season’s shopping race.

The rainy weather was great for Marin, who has never seen a board game he did not like. The favorites games this year being Clue and Fishin’ Time. A timed event at Sudoku between Kirstin and yours truly had her beating me handily. A guitar was quickly tuned and people began to flop on the floor as a bit of a sing-along started up. But, the best were Kirstin’s body rubs. Kirstin is halfway complete towards becoming dually licensed as a  Esthetician as well as a massage therapist and was more than eager to demonstrate her knowledge and new skills. Half of our group could be found dreamily stumbling about after one of her sessions. After my session she proclaimed that I had about the same amount of flexibility as a section of petrified wood—in other words, I am a fossil.

It was also a great time for everyone to show of any skill learned over the past year. Here is a bit of Vai, at age 27-months, giving a demonstration:

The meal – Continuing any further discussions regarding our T-Meal is meaningless unless you have first hand knowledge of the way Vaioleti eats. Actually, not the way, but the quantity and type of food she eats—vast and everything. Ever since her under two pound start she’s been making up for lost time and size.

As I said earlier, we ate buffet style. When Marcia announced that Thanksgiving dinner was ready everyone began to drop what they were doing and started heading for the buffet table (i.e. the old Steinway piano that we cannot seem to get rid of); everyone that is except for Vaioleti. Vai was joining the adults at the big table for the first time. In order for this to be possible she was sitting, quite precariously, on a regular chair and then on top of two large telephone books. For a few moments she was the only person sitting at the table and was very ready for her plate of food. Nobody had explained the meaning of “buffet” to her.

Her little face lit up when I emerged from the kitchen carrying the large platter with steaming hot golden turkey. I smiled at her as I walked right past on my way to the buffet. All I heard from behind me was a little voice and a very loud; “HEY!” I should have squealed to a stop next to her and unloaded at least half of that platter. She was not to be denied her share.

Animal Kingdom – Many of you know that we live in a decent sized city and about six miles from the city center (under 5 as the crow flies). I have, from time to time, written about various forms of wildlife that we see behaving au natural in the heart of the city.

Dinner was finished and the plan was to wait an hour or so before struggling to a plate filled with Adrianne’s wonderful home-made Pumpkin Pie. It was Jason who said it first; “I think I see a deer across the street.” With the heavy rains and several trees and tall grasses in the way no one else saw anything.

It was Marin who, peeking out of the kitchen door (proof that kids are smarter than adults), began to shout that there were two deer, one being a large buck. Like passengers flocking to a ship’s rail our whole gang packed the kitchen doorway and the small space on the deck that was covered by a bit of roof.

I first heard Marcia as she exclaimed loudly; “my God, are they doing what I think they’re doing?” It was seven year old Marin who proudly informed the whole of the huddled Pastoor clan when he confirmed that; “they are mating!” Yup, they were doing the mating thing, not once but twice; from reading National Geographic I was certain of that fact. Although I did not see any cigarettes being lit—but then, the rains were pretty severe.

I heard three year old Dinah parrot her big brother; “they’re mating.” Vai had no idea what this ‘mating’ thing was. Whether or not it was a good or a bad thing she wasn’t sure, so she just huddled closer to one of the twittering adults. Rain, jostling, early dusk, and just general excitement made for lousy pictures, but here is a bit of proof of what now will be forever known by the Pastoors as; 2010 the year of THANKs (THAnksgiving of the NooKies).

Make it a great week. I hope yours was as good and educational as ours. Thanks Marcia for making certain no one else set foot in the kitchen, thereby ensuring the absolute success of the many meals you prepared—they were wonderful!



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