This entry was posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2012 at 7:41 am and is filed under Family & Friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
Good morning all:
Weekly mid-winter quote:
I’ll probably be a pretty successful ghost someday since I already refuse to leave the house. Tim Siedell
Unlike the apparent goings-on of the (former) Captain of the passenger liner Costa Concordia, no bunga bunga parties and extravaganzas here; only a peaceful and quiet mug of steaming hot coffee just ahead of daybreak. My weekly quote is accurate, especially during the winter—I do tend to shrink into a bit of a cocoon during the winter months.
Not certain what it’s like this morning in your area, here it’s gorgeous. So far the winter has been vastly different from last and we’re having constant temperatures in the mid-forties. Then last night we got freezing rain. This morning there is a crystal-coating on everything. By noon it’ll all be gone, but currently watching the outdoor lights reflect on tree branches is pretty cool.
Smokin’ – (literally) it was a little awkward the other day. Marcia was sitting in the family room knitting. Me? I was huddled in my favorite spot reading; while simultaneously spread-eagled by a heat outlet of course. At some point I noticed a burning smell. Nothing seemed to be at issue from the upstairs and an “all clear” from the basement. The only place left was the kitchen and it too appeared to be in good shape. Back to reading, back to knitting. Mere minutes later I couldn’t stand it any longer and once more found myself back in the kitchen.
Let’s just say that a smoldering oven mitt does not smell very good. It also takes a really good soaking in the sink to douse these things. Lesson learned!
Figuratively (“smokin’” that is). As old Art Linkletter used to say; “kids say the darnest things.” Wednesday I took little Vai to “Storytime” at our local library. I am realizing that I’ve starting to experience the effects of winter’s ‘cabin’ fever and thought her to be in similar shape. And yes, mom and dad were fine with me taking her for lunch to a nearby McDonald’s after the library visit.
Vai must have heard a snippet from the phone conversation and processed it in her little mind—pretty difficult for a kid who’s never set foot in a McDonald’s. Not in her whole life.
She knew though that something special was going to transpire. So. Walking into the library she proudly turned to the two librarians sitting by the front desk and proclaimed; “I’m going to Old McDonald!”
It made perfect sense, especially when you’ve been singing a song about cows, chickens, geese, horses, and a duck almost your whole life. So, yes, “Old McDonald” is a special place. She loved our lunch date.
I was disappointed that the kid’s meal had a plastic penny toy—I thought McDonald’s was handing out books to promote reading these days.
Animal Planet – this came mid-week from our neighborhood ‘town-crier’ (for those younger than me: “town-crier”—in our neighborhood the person who broadcasts any public event or happening). Now remember, we’re less than just a handful of miles from the heart of a good-sized city, and what happened was a busy street with a bus line, all exactly one block from our house.
Town Crier: “All: If you have not yet heard, there is a coyote eating a deer in a front yard on Clinton Springs between Red Bud and Burton Woods.
Driving away from my house along Clinton Springs at 10 and didn’t notice anything. When I returned at 11 it was an impressive scene.”
Then the following paragraph paints a scenario which describes either much bungling or, worse yet, it absolutely proves that the Coyotes have the authorities in their pocket. What’s their payoff to our city workers – warm liver?
Town Crier continued: “After some googling I called Hamilton County wildlife, which put me through to an office in Columbus, which told me to call “local authorities.” I then called the police non-urgent line, and have reported, although the guy said he didn’t know what if anything they would do.”
[click twice over on the picture to expand it and then count how many deer we spotted in our side yard this past Tuesday morning - maybe I'll think of something special for the correct answers]
Closing – A very happy birthday this coming week to Cathy and to Kirstin (celebrating one of those massive “0” events). Also to Joel VDS and in Portland to Jason. What’s this rash of mid-winter birthdays all about?
Next is a little breakfast and then there is an event this morning, but chances are good that the ice has cancelled it – we’ll see. Most likely back to my book – spread eagled by the duct-work of course.
Make it a great week everyone and be safe.
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