This entry was posted on Saturday, December 6th, 2014 at 4:46 pm and is filed under Family & Friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
Happy Saturday morning; this one celebrating as Aunt Lorraine turned 99.
“Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories….” ~ Steven Alexander Wright –
Marcia’s mom had three sisters – all three are still with us. The oldest of the four, Lorraine, keeps trying to make us believe that she’s getting forgetful. She’s doing a great job. As Oprah would say; “you go girl”.
I’ve had my morning coffee and now plan to pause a bit to watch Marin’s early morning indoor soccer game. Back in a while.
Water, Water, Water everywhere (update from last week) – My harangue from last week regarding our water and sewer fees seems to have had someone’s ear.
This week it became news as our County Commissioners filed a lawsuit regarding unfunded mandates put out by the EPA. The order being that cities had to bring sewer systems up to the EPA’s latest standards – post haste.
Doing so means a constant 5+% increase in sewer charges, each heaped on top of the previous costs and increases. All without end in sight.
We’ll see how all of this ‘flushes’ out.
Condo update (still ongoing) – The preparations are going ‘swell’ as we who remember the Fifties would say.
As you can see I have finally earned Journeyman status – my work cap is shown as proof:
In fact, we’ve begun to get a bit more serious about getting our house ready for market. The first of the tradesmen have arrived; and just in time. The Gutter Boys guys said that our gutters were “impacted” (a roofer’s technical term). Since that photo was taken two days ago we’ve had 2.5” of rain. Whew!
Grumblings & Rumblings – As the years pile on I’ve noticed that I am becoming a bit more watchful of my health; this includes proper eating habits.
A week or so ago Tevita and I made a trip to Costco. And what caught my eye? It just had to be the 4-pound tray of great looking grapes. They were just too perfect.
At my homecoming Marcia was just a wee bit less enthusiastic than me. She started up on that old saw about “impulse buying” and ended with a warning; “you WILL eat these.” And so I did.
In fact, a few days later I had a cluster shortly before another Ikea-measuring-bathroom-sink-replacement-and-kitchen-light-things trip. I felt great.
However, somewhere in the middle of that gi-normous store I noticed a slight intestinal rumblings. It wasn’t but a few minutes later when Marcia asked me why I was sweating. By then I was walking quite slowly, quite stiffly, and now could hear the grumblings coming from below. No panic yet, just concern.
It’s amazing how a 250,000 square foot store can grow to a million square feet even as one slinks about looking for a ‘facility’. And to me the place kept getting still larger as my ‘hunt’ continued.
Without getting more descriptive, as Shakespeare once wrote; “all’s well that ends well” (maybe it was really he who wrote the “Grapes of Wrath”).
Last evening I finished the last of that 4-pound tray – they were great!
Derek and the Tuba – Just over two months ago Derek entered Middle School. Several hundred new sixth graders did the same thing. Of those about 140 selected a musical instrument and began that steep learning curve towards becoming accomplished musicians.
Derek selected the Tuba.
Derek loves the Tuba
Derek practices religiously.
This past week this new group of budding musicians put on a concert.
Marcia and I were blown away.
Make it a great week everyone. Stay safe.
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