Happy Sunday morning;

“Wine is sunlight, held together by water” ~ Galileo Galilei

and it’s getting Marcia and me through this flu epidemic; as we say these days; “sip happens.”

First came communications that the planned family Christmas celebrations in Michigan we’re in total disarray; flu was blamed.

Yesterday it was our turn

Vili down – Dad, Tevita, is working somewhere in Indiana straight through till New Year’s eve. The now single mom Adrianne began to look forward spending Saturday at our house along with Cathy & Jason and the cousins for our family celebrations. Then Vili came down with the flu. A spike to 105 degrees with difficulty bringing that down with meds and a cool bath prompted a next step.

First, the family celebrations were pushed back to New Year. That made sense.

So, last evening, I found myself watching Princess Sofia on the TV’s Princess Channel along with Vai and Rugby. Marcia, with Adrianne and Vili in tow, headed off to Urgent Care. DSCF1450

One great thing is that the ‘Nati has one of the nation’s premier Children’s Hospitals. Aside from an ER it also houses an Urgent Care center. After swearing that none of their group had traveled to Ebola country they received their pass to area B3 – the Urgent Care place.

Wouldn’t you know it, the popsicle they gave Vili was the magic cure. Actually, that with a cocktail of pills and liquids had the little gang home in short order.

Maybe Marcia and I should pop-a-cork beginning early this morning and just continue sipping.

For those down with the flu, think before heading out to see the doctor, remember; fifty percent of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class.

Nick reminded me – that during his stay in town the hotel served Goetta for breakfast. Goetta, you ask?

The ‘Nati was first settled by large groups from Germany. In fact, up until WWI schools taught in German and many street names reflected German cities and towns.

All this made this town a beer brewing and meat packing center. With all of that a breakfast item was introduced, Goetta. Travel less than fifty miles and folks will give you a blank stare should you ask for the stuff.

Goetta is a mixture of Oats, spices, and pork. A bit of an acquired taste, but an aficionados delight. Marcia never acquired the taste and we’d stopped getting the stuff years ago. Now, thanks to Nick, I grabbed some on our last shopping trip. This morning it was wonderful.


Fini – Make it a great week everyone. For those down with the flu, get better soon. It was Samuel Butler who stated that; “I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better”. Happy New Year, may you be healthy, may you be merry, and may peace prevail. Stay safe.



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