Here at Northern Comfort we are able to take hot showers. It took two trips (25 miles each way) to our local hardware store. It took one trip (75 miles each way) to the Home Depot. But it’s all working and even Marcia loves our new water pump.

But, unlike some people we know, we remembered to bring our favorite coffee – and on this freezing (literally close-to) morning; it tastes GREAT.

Unpacking all the final odds-and-ends we brought up was a pair of replacement flashlights. These are not the massively, blinding, over-the-top variety, no not at all. These are just a small pair with 20 some odd LEDs and powered by 3-AAA batteries. Does the following prove that the lawyers have won?

“WARNING: To prevent serious injury: 1. Wear ANSI-approved safety goggles and heavy-duty work gloves during use.” ~ Harbor Freight

I thought you’d agree with me. DSCF2870

Tree Down – It was day two after our 12-hour hike to the North Woods. Actually it was longer due to me having to re-establish our internet “puck”. – then, that’s another story.

One of the first messages received was a ‘panicky’ one from my neighbor going on and on with something about a “killer” tree. To make it simpler he had marked the “killer” tree with a huge day-glo orange ‘X’ (see, trees also could get lost in the forest)


It seems there had been a nasty winter storm which caused this large Hemlock to partially uproot and split near the bottom. In the midst of the woods this stuff happens – no big deal. However, by a driveway and a power line it does take on a sense of urgency.

All made a bit more urgent since the last time one had fallen across a nearby line the Electric Company – Hydro-1 – charged $1,000 to do the repair.

It was Bob-the-Forester, as the expert who manned to saws. Me? I worked a logging chain we attached to another tree and the come-along to make certain it would fall exactly where it was supposed to.

It was all so simple and things were going so smoothly. DSCF2866

It was at this very moment that an official from the Canadian Government drove up and started jabbering; and she wouldn’t shut up!

During the final stages of bringing down a “killer” tree the event brings a fair amount of stress, especially if it’s a damaged tree. And that woman would not quit talking – now, I should point out that her being Canadian and a Government official meant that she was ‘jabbering’ in a very courteous manner.

Nonetheless, the larger of the two saws was running noisily, the tree was standing vertical by a mere thread, and Bob and I were relaying information to each other to ensure a successful drop. Such bad timing!

After all was successfully done (‘tree had fallen’ for you novice readers), what was it she wanted? Turns out the new Trudeau government had begun to conduct a new national census and she was a census taker. In my heart of hearts, I do believe that Bob-the-Forester felt that we dropped the tree in the wrong place.

More ‘prep’ work than ever before – getting Northern Comfort ready for the season. Actually, it’s the same amount of work, now with a bunch of add-ons due to the construction. But it’s happening. What is occurring is that by shortly after 9pm neither of us can stand each other’s yawning and so we crawl into bed – even though it’s still light in these parts.

It does mean that the really important stuff done within a day or two in past years is not yet complete. Example, this photo shows the status of the boats (still on their trailers and under cover).


Marcia has taken a ‘run’ on getting her veggie garden established. Due to the short growing season and the fact that any night can still bring frost, she’s got these tiny shoots in their little hot-house.


And, should the wall on our Southern border become a reality we are prepared to build one on the northern border. As you can see, we’ve now got a solid start. Ok, I can already hear some sneers and untoward comments from my four faithful readers, but remember, the Great Wall of China too started with a first stone.


Fini – Our Swallows have returned and are extremely busy building a new nest in our bird-house. These little guys are a joy to see and amazing to watch.

We’ve got a pair of Canadian Geese nesting on the lake (year two). Last year they started with fifteen goslings and they created a huge mess on our shore. This year I am ready, was it in Charles Dickens where a Goose was viewed as a delicacy?

It seems like there are fewer Loons than in years past. We’ve heard their calls, but only see a single bird fly or paddle by – maybe the other is already on the nest.

I have the ATV running and it’s already come in handy hauling the tree branches into the woods. This afternoon I plan to give our little Deux Chevaux – The Duck – an oil change and release it from its winter bondage. It’ll be fun to drive. Also, since gasoline in these parts is exactly twice what we’re used to paying, running on two tiny cylinders will also be good.

To everyone, make it a great week and everyone, stay safe.



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