So it’s Saturday morning. While waiting for the coffee to finish perking, I also realize that I am still dealing with the remnants of Jet Lag. Maybe one final afternoon nap will finish off the remaining ‘Lag’. It will also allow me to stay up this evening and listen to CBC1’s Randy Bachman show; Vinyl Tap. Last time I heard it (two weeks ago) it featured two hours of music and the mondegreens people had created for each of the featured songs – delightful! It’s become my favorite North Woods show to listen to.

Now some coffee – it’s finished perking.

“The more underdeveloped the country, the more overdeveloped the women.” ~ Roast one-liner

California is not an underdeveloped country. However, wherever I went in southern California last weekend the ‘one-liner’ held true. True to the point where I just began to assume it was a normal California ‘fix’.

A little white Samsonite – suitcase, a backpack, a large camera, and I was off for California. The only items I was lacking were a cane, a White Panama hat, and a pair of spats.

Last weekend I helped celebrate brother George’s Birthday. It so happened my other two brothers were also there. Actually they had to be there, Art since he and Jolene organized the event and made it happen. Pieter and Jeanne were absolutely necessary since they dragged my carcass all over the place. A huge THANKS to everyone, you all made me feel like family!

Since I am in such a thankful mode, how about Ed and Diane for their over the top hospitality as I stayed at their condo in Huntington Beach. And, then, dear 84 year old Chris for the use of her home during my stay in Murrieta—thanks!

Travelling summer – In the past, once we opened up Northern Comfort we stayed put for the season. This year it was different. Early on we enjoyed (massively so) a train trip to Canada’s Maritime Provinces, followed by a family gathering in Austin, Texas. And then this past week, my California travels. It truly was the summer of Trains, Planes, and Automobiles.

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Some photographs – of last weekend. Pizza’s fresh from Art and Jolene’s backyard oven. The brothers celebrating ‘Dutch Day’ as we paid homage to our heritage. Our visit to the stunning Petersen Automobile museum. Hiking the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Kayaking the 6,000 acre La Jolla reserve. And so it went. The photos you’ll be able to match up to the activity. ENJOY!

Click on the photographs to enlarge

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Finis – Happy Birthday this week to Vince. His new chemo therapy regimen is much more severe than the first series. Even so, his strength and Kirstin’s support are amazing and they will get through these weeks and months. Every time I call I ask how Derek and Kellen are doing, especially the days after a treatment, and each time the answer is “remarkable’. We can’t forget about these youngsters either. As a reminder, here’s the link to his updates: Rally for Vince. Your prayers and thought are making a difference.



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