This entry was posted on Saturday, August 5th, 2017 at 9:29 am and is filed under Family & Friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
A Happy Saturday morning from the North Woods. Without realizing it, I’ve been driving Marcia crazy. Apparently, when she finally figures out what my breakfast of choice is, my pattern changes. This bothers her. Since I fix my own breakfast I was quite oblivious to this business, but it seems it affects shopping patterns.
So, to all, this week it was “shreddies” (Canadianism for cereal). But, rest assured my morning coffee is already next to me – some things don’t change.
Last evening we were in town for Thessalon Days, breezy, cool, with great clouds, sun, and a rainbow. That is when I got an incoming ‘text’ from Donn and Marlene; “raining at your end?” My response was a resounding no. “it’s a Gully-washer here, storming like crazy”; came the reply. So for those of you not familiar with the term ‘gully-washer’, try these on for size and see if any of them help:
” MUD-SENDER, TURD-FLOATER, GOOSE-DROWNDER (or maybe FISH-DROWNDER), TOAD-STRANGLER, RAINING BULLFROGS, RAINING MONKEYS, RAINING THE DEVIL AND PITCHFORKS, PALMETTO POUNDER, SIZZLY SOD-SOAKER, and lastly NUBBIN. Or here in Canada; “MANITOBA WAVE, ROAD BAN, or SMELT STORM ” ~ most of these found in the Dictionary of American Regional English (and not from some Al Gore generated write-up).
Enjoy, and use your very favorite on those special occasions. All I know is that I best bail out the Sea Nymph before the next one roars in.
Finding Gold (part deux) – Last week I talked a bit about those very special folk who work with their hands as well as their brains and are superb at their craft, working as much for the joy of it as for money.
I visited Allan who epitomizes such a person. At 78 his specialty is small engine and vintage tractor restoration. Well, here is a photo of Allan’s bill for work he did on my old weed-whacker (basically, he brought it back from the dead). I thought you’d enjoy taking a look (click on the photo to enlarge and be sure to read what he wrote between the brackets middle bottom) – you just gotta love it:
Activism – Often the younger generation views us fogeys as folk who accept anything slung our way; accepting it all without any push-back, or providing initiatives at bettering a situation. Well you’re wrong if that is what you think.
Kirstin was cleaning house prior to their move (congratulations by the way) and brought a number of ‘things’ which needed a new home. One was this article Marcia and I wrote to our hometown newspaper way back when on February 22, 1991 the Cincinnati Enquirer published this letter:
Thessalon Days – Giving the place the benefit of doubt we’ll accept the official number of 1,400 residents (but secretly belie that number to be high). Mid-summer it’s Thessalon Days and besides it being fun, it’s also impressive what this tiny out-of-the-way Canadian town can pull off. Today we’ll head back for the parade (yes they’ll have a Pipe Band marching). Also the Can-Am Poker Run Race will have over 70 Cigarette Speed Boats participating on their north shore portion of the race. These boats not only look spectacular, the ARE spectacular!. Can’t wait!
But, last evening it was a Baseball tournament pitting various local families, differing bands, and some really good Fireworks. As mentioned early on, Mother Nature felt the need to include herself in the festivities by providing one whale of a stunning backdrop to everything. She even provided a downpour right as grand finale started up.
It was right at midnight when Marcia and I rolled into a pitch-dark driveway only to discover that our little flashlight’s battery had died.
Animal Planet – Our weekly veggie shopping event is at this place, one of only a handful 12-sided barns found anywhere. This one originally put up in 1919.
Yesterday mid-afternoon, right before we headed out Bob-the-Forester toodled on by. The time was 3:15 and he went fishing (see dinner time was nearing so what to do, what to do). Less than 20-minutes later he toodled on by once more and slowed just long enough to display that evening’s dinner. Nice going Bob!
As Realtors say so often: “its all in the timing and location, location”. Marlene snapped this little guy — bad timing and bad location.
Finis – Make it a great week everyone.
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