After a gorgeous week culminating with some serious rain it appears to be a beautiful Saturday morning in the North Woods. On-line I read the following; “Today is a new day. Yesterday is done. Tomorrow hasn’t arrived. Today is our opportunity to create what tomorrow may be”.

In line with that thought I hate to be *that* guy who points this out, but Marcia and I are just a week plus a day away from closing Northern Comfort for another season. We’re heading home.

For the immediate I have a small predicament – make coffee now or wait till Marcia begins to stir. Since it’s early I might just wait a while.

This past week stocks editor for FBN, Liz MacDonald, commented that Congress can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Since my independent political leanings are well known let me take it a bit further.

So, using author and overseas import Mark Steyn to focus on House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.):

”If you asked one of them to walk and the other to chew gum, one of them would fall over and the other one would choke,”~ Mark Steyn (on Fox Business News, Varney & Company)

For those of you not certain of what was just said, it’s this; it’s not that they can’t multitask, they can’t uni-task! You know what I’m talking about!

Packing – I have just begun to note that our little cabin is beginning to look a lot like it did shortly after we arrived in May. In each case its lots of bins and boxes sitting by the back door; then to be put away, now to pack into the truck. Every year we take a solemn oath that we’ll duplicate things necessary both at home and here in the North Woods so as to put a halt to the back-and-forth schlepping. Each year it seems that, once again, we have failed. But each year we end up complimenting ourselves that; “we really did better than the last” Yeah, right!


The ‘buzz’ of small engines – has been heard this week. I used my, new this year, Husqvarna chain saw to cut down and block a dead tree prior to running it dry for winter storage. Similarly it was a final round of weed-whacking and leaf blowing. Those tools too have now been stored. Way back in my mind a little voice keeps on saying, “take them home in case you need them”. Resist Dirk, resist.

Animal Planet – Since we lifted our dock a Bullfrog has taken up residence in the rocks at the water’s edge. Every so often, eating on our porch, we get serenaded.

Across the cove is a spot where we hear the questioning calls from a resident Owl. Bob-the-Forester tells me that an Owl has been in that same spot for 25-years.

Early in the week it was Donn and Marlene who organized an ATV run to Reception Lake. Years ago Marcia’s dad, with his guide buddy would somehow get into the place for some fishing. In 8 years of ATV riding in these parts, this was the first time where I threw in the towel and admitted I could not continue due to the terrain. Donn, with 4-wheel drive and independent suspension was willing to go on. Me, with 2-wheel drive and a fixed axle, called it quits.

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So, we continued on the old logging road looking for an old fire tower that was marked on one of the maps. Finally it was some incoming rain that ended the adventure. Still, it was a perfect adventure. These things are as much for the journey as the destination.


The Fall Colors are out. Maybe it’s me, but this year they seem a bit muted. Maybe it’s the summer weather, maybe it just needs a few more days to ‘pop’, we’ll know soon enough.

FitBit tells me that this summer I walked the equivalent length of Italy. I’m thinking that possibly they meant ‘little’ Italy in New York.


Finis – I’ll try to post next Saturday. But remember, it’s a day that’ll be filled with stowing and the closing-of-the-cabin bits; disconnect and drain the water, drain the water heater, put up the shutters and the snow panels on the porch, and move porch furniture into the cabin and outdoor yard furniture onto the porch, and so forth.

Then, Sunday morning October 1st, bright and early, I’ll throw the main breaker to ‘Off’, make certain the place is locked and the blinds down, and we’ll be rolling south.

Make it a great week everyone.



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