Good Saturday morning to everyone. Here in the Algoma region of Ontario we’re starting out at 46-degrees (7.8 degrees Celsius).

The old timers in these parts have a saying; “get the wind a’blowin and it’ll last for three”. Well we did have the wind ‘a’blowin’, for most of the week. And a couple of these days did not have the temperature climb above the sixties. Summer is over. In fact the early Maples and Birches have begun to turn. Maybe a little patch of Indian Summer and Fall will still join us; we can hope.

“The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.” ~ Henry Beston

Sea Nymph – my vintage Johnson engine has been acting up. Starts up fine and then, shortly, wants to die. Fuel is fresh, so I ‘piddled’ with it. Finally thought it ready and took it into the cove – where it stalled, started, stalled, started, and stalled again. In preparation I had already broken out the oars and these combined with my gaff hook got it back to the dock; totally frustrated!

Less than an hour later Bob L from down the lake, out of the blue, texted looking for my ‘old-timer’ marine engine guy’s phone number. Several texts back and forth it turns out his problem engine is almost the same as mine, make, size, and age AND his problem identical to mine! But he was lucky, his brother in law was visiting and had, he thinks, the issue solved (he’s good with marine engines) – the varnish on the carburetor float was coming off and the tiny chips were clogging one of the jets. They thought they could fix his and were looking for a possible part in case they needed it.

Carburetor repair is not my specialty so the next call I make will be for a carburetor repair – to my ‘old-timer’ guy, Chris. Sure would be nice to have a proper running little boat next year.

Campfire – All my whining about the everyday wind is already old. However, yesterday dinnertime, it eased up. A quick run past our two neighbors and we had a campfire organized. Bob-the-Forester came armed with some dry tinder; the others provided the pleasant conversation.

In no time I had a great little fire going strong (being basically a city boy I was pleased).

Shortly before dark I spotted a Beaver swimming by. It’s amazingly cool to be in your little place with a warm crackling fire and friends watching a Beaver paddle by and listening to a pair of Loons’ lonely wail to each other,

”Tell me how long, how long
That lonesome train’s been gone

as they too contemplate leaving the summer behind.


Beaver swimming by

By 10 o’clock we were done. Even those wrapped in a blanket started to get cold and were looking forward to going indoors and climbing under the covers. Life is good!

Books – During the past couple of weeks I read two books, a biography and a fiction written by a retired English professor emeritus from Toronto – Barry Callaghan titled Beside Still Waters. The story line was pretty straight forward and really not that special, however, his use of language was wonderfully crafted and akin to Hemmingway or a Dostoevsky.

It would seem that the summer is ending. The cabin maintenance jobs are somewhat behind and what’s left is a more quiet time designed for reading.

This last bit might appear to be somewhat poetic. So, let me close out by mentioning that this coming Thursday the ‘honey-dipper’ is coming the clean-out our septic system.


Finis – Tomorrow, in the nearby town of Bruce Mines there will be one of the largest auctions of the summer. I caught Marcia closely studying photographs of each and every item scheduled for the auction. Guess where we’re going?

Then today there’ll be food, music, and a car show in town. I am certain there will be some discussion whether or not to head on over. It might be an opportunity to take our little Deux Chevaux (The Duck) for a bit more extended spin. We’ll see.

With the change in weather the forest is also preparing for the coming cold. As expected, a mouse got into the cabin (front line exploratory scout) and got caught. So, in the woods I prepared a buffet table for the other creatures to enjoy a snack, and there placed the mouse as a first course. Mere hours later and there was not a sign that there had ever been anything in that place. Nature is amazing!

First, it’s a Happy Birthday (today) to Adrianne and (tomorrow) to sister in law Sandy. Later this week Vaioleti will formally advance a year. Again, Happy Birthday to you all.

And I’ve checked; it seems like all six of the grandkids have started the new school year successfully. Make it a great year, and:

Make it an outstanding week.

Till next week, joy!

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