This entry was posted on Saturday, June 10th, 2023 at 9:49 am and is filed under Family & Friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

PLEASE NOTE: that The Ramblings will be on hiatus (break, breach, lapse) until early August. This to re-charge my batteries, and at the same time I’ll be returning to the world of the internet.
So it’s finally come to this. Here it is, our last Saturday here at the corner of Chaos & Mayhem prior to heading north to our little Northern Comfort.
First a few quiet moments of contemplation and planning over my morning coffee, as I organize what to write.
In a way I hate to leave this place since activities on ‘the corner’ are always occurring and it’s never dull. Here is a moment from earlier this past week. Yesterday Marcia discovered that the rider, even though EMT took him to the hospital with a neck brace, he wasn’t banged up too badly.
Canada’s gift – stayed with us a better part of the week, like a smelly fog. Wildfires in Canada’s far west caused the smoke to drift this way. This also was a renewed opportunity to hear a whole bunch about everyone’s favorite cult-like boogie man, “Climate Change”.
This from Professor Gad Saad, professor of Evolutionary Psychology and Marketing at at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University in Montreal Canada, best known for his studies in consumer behavior. I think he explains it best by stating, if;
“It’s too hot: Climate change.
It’s just right: Climate change.
It’s too cold: Climate change.
Forest fire: Climate change.
No Forest fire: Climate change.
Heavy snowfall: Climate change.
Light snowfall: Climate change.
Hurricanes: Climate change.
No hurricanes: Climate change.
Islamophobia causes climate change.
Climate change cause islamophobia.
Anxiety is caused by climate change.
Climate change causes anxiety.Climate change is at the root of every phenomenon.
If you wish to discuss the policies surrounding climate change, you are a science denier who is likely causing climate change.
Jane Fonda explained that racism causes climate change as does toxic masculinity.
It is a grotesque 21st century new religion masquerading under the guise of science.”
the Normandy Invasion – anniversary was celebrated June 6. 79 years ago (June 6, 1944) saw 156,000 allied troops storm a 50-mile stretch of beach in Normandy, France. This was the start of the defeat of the Nazi ‘boot’ stomping on the neck of the western European nations.
Marcia feels that I am preoccupied with the black and white images of those days. Not exactly so, but since I do remember a few, child-like, snippets of that horrific time, it is part of me and also of my world view.
I thought you might find it interesting to hear (then) General Dwight D. Eisenhower inform the troops of the struggle ahead – multiple thousands who would never see their home and family again. As it’s been said many a time, this was; “The Greatest Generation.”
La Pinta – was the fastest of the three ships which, under the leadership of Christopher Columbus, was used to explore the New World in October 1492. It was a caravel-type vessel – a style that was well known during that time.
This week, docked on the shore of The Ohio River on the Kentucky side, was the replica of the original La Pinta. It was built by eighth-generation Portuguese shipwrights using the same methods and tools as the original.
At a mere 70’ long with a crew of 26, seeing it maked it seem almost impossible that such an assembled stack of planks and sticks made it across the Atlantic Ocean.
I went and toured the boat. A massive beam formed the handle of the tiller. Below deck was strictly for supplies and animals – the crew worked, slept, cooked and ate, dealt with storms, sun, wind and cold, all on deck.
Navigation of the ship was absolutely rudimentary (pegs placed on a board) and it’s a feat that their ‘discovery’ ever took place. That they survived, and even more importantly, that they made the return voyage back home is difficult to comprehend.
Jazz on the Square – was a short walk across the Purple People walking bridge from seeing La Pinta. Three hours of Jazz, wonderful to listen to and explained music. A couple of hundred of us were absolutely mesmerized. Then it was a bus ride home – glowing with the experience of both afternoon and evening.
Packing – has our little condo look like a combination Flea Market, Dollar Store, and warehouse. Bins stacked, loose stuff here and there, and a replacement refrigerator all waiting to be loaded.
The hard work will start tomorrow. June 26 Marin and some pals will arrive which means that Marcia and I know what needs be done upon our arrival at Northern Comfort mid-week. The rest of the clan will be there mid-July.
And, I forgot to mention, that there is importance to us being back in August since we have tickets to see. Drum roll please, WILLIE NELSON along with John Fogerty, the lead and primary songwriter of Creedence Clearwater Revival. Should be great!
Etcetera –
• This weekend is the 2023 USRowing Youth National Championships in Sarasota, FL. Dinah and her cousin Adriana (from San Diego) are both there with their respective teams. Also there are brother George & Sandy, and my niece Heather. Adriana will race her finals later today in a 4-man boat. Dinah will be in the ‘stroke’ seat of her 8-man boat in the finals tomorrow.
• Since I won’t be writing at Father’s Day, here is a key Dad tendency on that day; “before using the tongs when grilling, he clicks them together two or more times to “test them out”.
• This week President Joe Biden signed a bill suspending debt ceiling for two years. I believe that all of us mere citizens are now discovering that we’re all bumping our heads on that ceiling.
• We sold out Volkswagen (camper) Bus decades ago. I think that Volkswagen thought that was long enough and so they are returning the bus to the US market after 20 years.
• I like my soccer. Currently, arguably, named the world’s best male soccer player is Argentine superstar Lionel Messi. Assuming his Miami contract goes through he’ll be playing here at TQL Stadium around the end of August, Before heading north I’ll try and snag a ticket to the Bailey.
Ciao. Stay strong. Stay Safe. Now grab my cow bell to cheer our young rowing ladies on.
Be well, be happy, enjoy your summer.
BREAKING NEWS: Adriana in her finals just place second – great work Adriana!(San Diego (Yi, R)). 1.39-seconds behind the winning boat.
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