This entry was posted on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at 7:32 am and is filed under Family & Friends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

NEXT 4 WEEKS THE RAMBLINGS WILL BE ON HIATUS!!! Out of country travel means I have little choice. See you in late June.
Happy Saturday morning. And face it, no matter what, mine is ‘light-years’ better than Kentucky’s Governor’s morning was yesterday. He woke up to an aide saying: “Sir, we just arrested and placed into cuffs, the number 1 golfer in world as he approached our PGA tournament’s entry gate.”
I hope Andy Beshear’s morning coffee was a double espresso – if not, it should have been.
But, carrying on, yes, Morning has Broken this by keyboard legend Rick Wakeman, today on this his 75th Birthday.
Marcia keeps on promoting – her insight that people say these weekly Ramblings are a bit lengthy. Huh? These Ramblings have never become a ‘chapter’ read. But there is a purpose in being a wee bit more expansive.
What I’ve concluded over the past decade of this epistle is that just quickly detailing a point can actually be counterproductive.
See, should you embark on a bit of, as Ricky Ricardo famously said, ‘splaining’. Then you’ll discover, in short (pun) order I might add, that coming to grips by calling out ‘uncle’ does have a purpose – it teaches decision time; stop short or plod on.
As proof, read or listen to most anything uttered by a politician. Read a legalese disclaimer accompanying any new purchase. Listen to anything put out by a group wanting to achieve something requiring your pocketbook – be it a new park, a new stadium, even in increase for education. Then you’ll quickly discover that they have fully mastered the fine art of ‘splainin’.
See, there is value in all of this.
Spotted on ‘’X’ — When a fly falls into a cup of coffee:
The Italian – throws the cup, breaks it, and walks away in a fit of rage.
The German – carefully washes the cup, sterilizes it, and makes a new cup of coffee.
The Frenchman – takes out the fly and drinks the coffee.
The Chinese – eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
The Russian – drinks the coffee with the fly, since it comes with no extra charge.
The Israeli – sells the coffee to the Frenchman, sells the fly to the Chinese, sells the cup to the Italian, drinks a cup of tea, and uses the extra money to invent a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
The Palestinian – blames the Israeli for the fly falling into his coffee, protests the act to the UN as an act of aggression, takes a loan from the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives, and then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, Frenchman, Chinese, German and Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that he should give his cup of tea to the Palestinian.
Apolitical – As most of you know, I am quite apolitical. So, this is nothing about politics.
With all the never-ending court cases in New York and in Georgia regarding a prospective national candidate, I made an observation.
When all this hoopla first started, I remember this little guy being rolled around the neighborhood in his little pram. My, my, how time does fly.
Our Nation’s Aunt – Ever notice how the ‘hamster-wheel’ news-cycle spins faster and faster. Especially when they get a hold on whatever the subject ‘du Jour’ is. Then obscene things can happen.
This event happened a few years ago, but now the ‘what’ and ‘how’.
Over the last few years, the BLM hucksters got a lock being able to proscribe to the general population what could and could not be uttered, seen, or promoted – they held a lock on it all.
During the fever pitch height of the ‘movement’ politics busily erased all memory of Aunt Jemima of the pancake mix fame to future generations.
There were several ‘aunts’, most notably one Nancy Green who was born a slave in Kentucky (1834). At age 56 she was hired as the marketing face of the pancake brand. Her debut at an exposition in Chicago, and over the years traveled across the country. On tour she would be the hit of the event with storytelling, making pancakes by the hundreds, to such a point that often extra security had to be brought in.
She earned a great income and was awarded a lifetime contract. Throughout, her financial independence allowed her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for all. She passed away in 1923 at age 89. Nevertheless, her image had to disappear.
Isn’t it a shame that we’re so hell-bent on erasing our past, and give little mind as to how disrespectful this is? Cancel culture is a horror.
Ben’s Idea – Just in case you were unaware, Benjamin Franklin developed a new alphabet. He added a couple of vowels and dropped six consonants (c, j, q, w, x, and y). If you have difficulty deciphering the sentence below, you’ll understand just how well Franklin’s efforts took hold.
“?i am, m?i diir frind, iurs afeks??netl”i, — (I am, my dear friend, yours affectionately), taken from a letter Franklin wrote.
Having said that, the Tongan alphabet has just 17 letters – think they co-opted Franklin’s idea?
“All that we don’t know is astonishing. Even more astonishing is what passes for knowing.”
“Sheer Playfulness and Deadly Seriousness are my closest Friends.”
Phillip Roth ~ American Author (1933 -2018) Novelist and short-story writer
May Peace prevail! Shalom.
Question, which one of these Ice Cream flavors is NOT in the top ten of popularity for 2024?
1) Butter Pecan
2) Chocolate
3) Vanilla Chocolate Chip
4) Mint Chocolate Chip
5) Strawberry
6) Black Raspberry
7) Rocky Road
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